Failure can mean great success

If you never now failure, you never know success

Every mistake you make is a success depending on how you think of it. If you like to get down on yourself when you mess up then you more likely fail, but if you take it as a lesson and use it to gain more knowledge and experience then you will likely succeed. How can the most successful people look at a mistake and pack their bags? No one is perfect on Earth, you know this. Is Elon Musk supposed to call it quits after 5 of his rockets don’t make it to space? Is a child supposed to never bike again after falling off with no training wheels? We all fail no matter what we do, it’s what happens next that matters.

When you mess up follow the OODA steps,

  • Observe – Notice what has happened.
  • Orient – Understand how it went wrong.
  • Decide – Figure out what you are going to do different.
  • Act – Now act upon your new plan.

You have to follow certain steps to succeed, but they’re simple steps. If you fall off of your bike then understand that you might not have had enough momentum, so then you understand that you have to go a little faster, now you try it out and see if that works. Done, it’s that simple. There is zero reason to get down on yourself. If you think about it, failure will accelerate your rate of success.

Before I forget, do remember that only focus on what you CAN change, don’t worry about what you can’t change. If what you can’t change is stopping you from achieving what you need to do, then perhaps you are focusing on something that doesn’t matter. For example, if you’re trying to get your ex back, then you need to focus on other thing. Leave them be, usually that’s the best route for that situation, anyway.

So, remember, when you fall down you have the choice of what your future holds.