Category: Journal

  • How to gain unlimited motivation

    How to gain unlimited motivation

    Motivation is a key factor in achieving success and reaching our goals. Whether we are trying to start a business, get fit, or learn something new, having an unlimited source of motivation can help us stay focused and achieve our desired outcomes. But how do you tap into this seemingly elusive resource? Here are some… Read more

  • Are you strong enough to give forgiveness?

    Are you strong enough to give forgiveness?

    We all make mistakes, and it’s natural to feel hurt when someone wrongs us. But holding on to anger and resentment can be detrimental for our mental health. Forgiveness is a strength that we should all aim towards in order to move forward with our lives. When we forgive another person, we are not condoning… Read more

  • Killing your ego makes for great confidence

    Killing your ego makes for great confidence

    All your ego does is hype you up for a massive failure. Practice by risking failure. Give credit even if you were largely the reason for success Instead of saying “I” did it, say “we did it” as you will put more focus onto your team. Your ego may be what holding you back. What… Read more

  • Aerobics for a better mind?

    Aerobics for a better mind?

    A French college professor found that painless movement of the muscles stimulate the growth of axons, which are responsible for delivering messages to the neurons. The number of axons is directly related to ones intelligence. If you move more than most likely you’ll have more axons than those who don’t. 500 school children in a… Read more

  • Failure can mean great success

    Failure can mean great success

    Every mistake you make is a success depending on how you think of it. If you like to get down on yourself when you mess up then you more likely fail, but if you take it as a lesson and use it to gain more knowledge and experience then you will likely succeed. How can… Read more

  • Life will crush you, do you have a plan B?

    Life will crush you, do you have a plan B?

    A lot of things in your life WILL go wrong, will you be prepared? Do you have a plan B? Have you thought about what might happen when things go wrong? No matter what plans you have with your life a back up plan should always be in your arsenal. You may want to become… Read more

  • Genesis 6

    Genesis 6

    All but one person was favored by God. Over time humans defiled themselves, thus making God want to get rid of them. Does this sound familiar? Does this sound like today? People claim the end is near, Jesus will come again and save those who are worthy. Write down what it is that you need… Read more

  • Train till exhaustion

    Train till exhaustion

    Training extremely hard is key to winning wars. I read a book that said “The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in war”. This has been proven time and time again. When an athlete trains their stamina as hard as they can often, and they will last longer than the rest of… Read more

  • Genesis 5

    Genesis 5

    Notice the ages of when these people died, it’s incredible. Unfortunately us humans are not able to live that long any more. But how would you personally live such a long life? Would you live it the same way you have been living your life now? I can’t imagine myself doing that, that’s too long… Read more

  • How to start taking risks

    How to start taking risks

    Risk taking is built every time you do it, if you run half a mile a few times per week than chances are that you’ll eventually feel more “comfortable” with the idea of running a full mile, and the more you run a full mile then running mile and a half doesn’t seem so bad.… Read more

  • Genesis 4

    Genesis 4

    Some people will turn their back on you and get revenge on your success. Cain was mad at God for liking Abel’s offering more so he killed Abel, his own blood brother. Can you believe that? The more you succeed the more cautious you need to be, you need to be perspicacious. People will turn… Read more

  • Difference between fearlessness and courage

    Difference between fearlessness and courage

    There is a great difference between fearlessness and courage. If you are in a situation and you are fearless then you are either in a low risk situation or you are not being honest with yourself. Being courageous means you understand that you are afraid, but you believe you are strong enough to get through… Read more

  • Genesis 3

    Genesis 3

    We have the ability to understand what is good and not, and why. I see to many people do the wrong things, but not truly understanding why because if they knew why then more would not do it. I have seen many articles and people claiming that masturbation is healthy, which is a reasonable thing… Read more

  • 5 Simple things I do for great sleep

    5 Simple things I do for great sleep

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  • Genesis 2

    Genesis 2

    God made man, placed him in the Garden of Eden. Gave him all that he needed. As long as Adam took care of the Garden, God was happy. Adam was told that he could eat from anywhere execpt the tree of Knowledge of Truth and Evil. Shortly after Adam was made, so was Eve, Adam’s… Read more