Category: Journal

  • Take Sleep Seriously

    Take Sleep Seriously

    A lot of people damage their brain by getting very little sleep, poor quality sleep. They don’t realize what they are doing to themselves. Who would take a person who is sleepy all the time as seriously as someone who isn’t? What great ideas does someone who isn’t even awake yet have? Sleep alone will… Read more

  • Stay away from still people

    Stay away from still people

    Focus on what “Still People” do, analyze whether it’s beneficial or not. A lot of them are looking at their cell phone in odd places at odd times of the day. You’ll notice that they are sucked into the dopamine driven feedback loop. They have no reason to be staring at a screen most of… Read more

  • Show Me Your Friends, I’ll Show You Your Future

    Show Me Your Friends, I’ll Show You Your Future

    We all need some sort of teacher in life, whether it be a parent, co-worker, school professor, etc. A lot of us stop learning from a “teacher” after we are done with school. You must keep learning, it’s what makes life so great. The best way is tro surround yourself with knowledgeable people. Imagine being… Read more

  • Becoming the 1%

    Becoming the 1%

    Its easy to be great when everyone else is mediocre. A lot of people live static lives, they wake up, get ready for a job they don’t like, work +8 hours, go home, distract themselves, and go to bed. Becoming strong physically and mentally sets you apart from the rest. Notice everyone’s postures, slouched. You… Read more

  • Savor You Mental Energy

    Savor You Mental Energy

    Do not let people steal your energy. People will make you upset but how you react to such an event will change your life. Someone may say something that ticks you off a bit, go ahead and be upset but understand how you should react to it. Is it really worth it to start a… Read more

  • Your Brain Needs to Think

    Your Brain Needs to Think

    Meditation is a great way to come up with great ideas. My best ideas often come from having zero stimulation, as in not looking at a screen, listening to music, so on and so forth. You use artificial stimulation all day which is why you can’t sleep, your brain needs to release its own stimulations.… Read more

  • You can learn a lot from your feelings

    You can learn a lot from your feelings

    When a feeling leaves you, you stop thinking about it. You go on with your life without analyzing how you can not make that happen again. Do you remember the first girl to break your heart? Do you remember the first time that you lost a significant amount of money? What have you done to… Read more

  • Which animal will you be?

    Which animal will you be?

    A lion sees prey, analyzes, creeps up on it, and leaps for the kill. Even if it misses, the lion still chases after it because after all, it’s life depends on it. A mosquito jumps straight to the action and gets squashed. Do you see opportunities and study them before you take them? Sometimes we… Read more

  • What doing the same thing everyday can do to a man

    What doing the same thing everyday can do to a man

    Imagine two men, both work the same job. One focuses on complaining about the customers and stays upset all day. Other understands that some people are stuck in a poor mindset, and there is very little he can do to change them. So instead he changes himself, pours more work into a business of his… Read more

  • Everything is Your Fault

    Everything is Your Fault

    You need to analyze your situations. Everything happens for a reason, everything that happens to you is your fault. Car ran over a puddle and splashed you? Should’ve seen the puddle and moved away. Car broke down? Should have done a check up every once and awhile. You get the idea. Stop blaming other people… Read more

  • Thank God Often

    Thank God Often

    Thank God often, be grateful for even the harsh times. For you may learn from them. He is hoping you become a mentally strong and wise man. Unfortunate events WILL happen no matter who you are, the only difference between a strong man and a weak man is that a strong does not the bad… Read more

  • You Must Invest in Experiences

    You Must Invest in Experiences

    You must invest in experiences because there is always something to learn from not being inside your comfort zone. You’ll never be ready to step far outside of your comfort zone, and that’s the point. Sometimes you will fail, and it’s your job to learn why you failed to be more ready next time. Read more