Genesis 1

God has created everything you see today. The land that you walk on, the water you fish from, sky that you look at, the animals we pet and eat, and of course, you. God made all of these and you’ve done very little with it? Making a great living in the 21st century is easier than ever before. You can literally find out your purpose with a simple google search. You have what seems like unlimited tools to gain knowledge, and even then you must take action. Learn one thing, then do it, master it. Learn another thing do it, master it. Repeat this until you are a master at your craft. Be lazy no more

God wants you to use His earth to your advantage, that’s a reason why he made it. He doesn’t wan to see his creation be lazy, he want’s to be happy for you, for what you accomplish. So don’t be afriad to pray for his help, his guidance. Pray for a new life, a new route, a new meaning. Give him your life so that you may live it how he wants you to. Slowly but surely making God happy ends up making us happy. We must have a purpose, we must work for it.